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"Saving Teeth" Does Not Solve the Problem.
Modern Strategic Implant® Technology Allows the
Strategic System Reset®

The longer your natural teeth are in the mouth, the more the chewing system itself is damaged and comes out of balance. Teeth migrate, teeth elongate or intrude, bone gets lost, the vertical dimension is decreasing, muscles change their activity, and pain appears for different reasons: as long as we are young it is worthwhile to repair teeth, even though it is clear that many of the mentioned problems are not treatable by only repairing teeth.

Nevertheless many dentists want to try to save every tooth forever...

"Saving a tooth" (or saving many teeth) will not solve most of the mentioned problems. Many deviations which appear throughout life cannot be treated as long as teeth are in the mouth: If some parameters of a chewing system have developed in a wrong direction, every attempt to repair the chewing system on teeth will lead again to wrong and unstable results.

To patients which have deviations that block the natural function we advise to remove the teeth and often we have to correct even the shape of the jaw bones. By doing this we create the best possible conditions for placing your new teeth in the best possible position and function.

Many of our patients have been burdened by teeth in wrong positions, by defective chewing planes and blocked chewing patterns. Often from young age onwards. We create for them a well-functioning chewing system, often for the first time in their life. Thanks to the possibilities which modern implants provide, a full reset of the chewing system is possible today. The necessary steps to create this Strategic System Reset® requires only a few days.

We know how implantology really works.

What Will be Done to Come to a Strategic System Reset®?

  • Typically all teeth will be removed. This includes in most cases also impacted teeth
  • The "bed" for the implants is prepared in the best position from functional and esthetic point of view
  • Implants are well anchored in strong cortical bone. They will allow placement of the bridge in an immediate functional loading protocol
  • During the prosthetic procedures our patients have a dominating influence on the esthetic result and on their appearance. They can decide how much of their future teeth and the gums will be visible when they talk and smile. They choose tooth shape, color and size, and they influence the individual position of each tooth during prototype try-ins
  • We never have to do any bone augmentation because it is not necessary for our technology. We will rather reduce bone for esthetic or functional reasons
  • After the bridges are incorporated our patients can eat immediately. Depending on the amount of changes which were done, on the pre-operative functional situation and on the timespan during which the chewing system was used in a functionally inadequate manner, it may take some time to fully adjust to the new situation. Functional changes may result in muscular pain (in the chewing muscles) and this is treated by regular massage until the muscle forces become adequate

The Esthetic System Reset®

In order to create an esthetic smile it is often necessary to correct the anatomy of the upper and the lower jaw bone. This way the tooth arch as well as every single tooth may be positioned according to the patient’s wish.

Since the Technology of the Strategic Implant® requires much less jaw bone than all other technologies, we are free to reduce bone whenever the situation demands this. This leads to a natural, beautiful smile and often changes the image very favorably.

Example 1

Correction of a gummy smile and replacement of all teeth by the Strategic Implant®, incorporation of the bridges within three days. The patient was immediately able to carry out normal functional movements and she was eating everything right from the beginning.

Example 2

Correction of a gummy smile and removal of decayed and wrongly positioned teeth. Replacement of all teeth by Strategic Implant® within three days. The patient was immediately able to carry out normal functional movements and he was eating everything right from the beginning.

Functional System Reset®

Example 3

None of the teeth were in any useful contact with the teeth in the opposite jaw. The patient received a full functional System Reset® as well as fixed teeth in both jaws on the Strategic Implant®. The patient was immediately able to carry out normal functional movements and he was eating everything right from the beginning.

Strategic System Reset® Through Correction of the Position of the Tooth Arches

So far the correction of wrong positioning of jaw bones (that’s what dentists call an “Angle Class II” or “Angle Class III”) was carried out through major surgeries, often combined with years of fixed orthodontic treatments. The Technology of the Strategic Implant® allows to fix such situation in one single minor surgical intervention, and by replacing the teeth with modern Strategic Implant®.

Example 4

Even severe cases of circular cross-bite can be corrected in one step. This way a System Reset® of the chewing system was achieved within three days. The removal of teeth and placing implants only in the upper jaw would not have solved the functional problems. The patient was immediately able to carry out normal functional movements and he was eating everything right from the beginning.

Example 5

The chewing system of this patient had undergone overly strong vertical growth of the bone in the upper and lower anterior jaw. As a result the frontal teeth in both jaws were blocking a normal, bi-lateral pattern of chewing. We have corrected the deformation of the upper jaw bone, removed all teeth and replaced them by Strategic Implant® in a functionally correct spatial position. The patient was immediately able to carry out normal functional movements and he was eating everything right from the beginning.

The Full System Reset® Is Done in One Single Step

The Method of Osseointegration requires a clean and infection-free oral cavity before treatment can start. Therefore, periodontal pre-treatment is frequently required before implant placement can begin. Nevertheless, in the medium and long term, the bacterial contamination associated with the retained teeth is the cause of the subsequent loss of these old implant types. 

The treatment concept for the Method of Osseofixation, on the other hand, enables this treatment with implants, including all pre-existing conditions, in a single step. Teeth, infections, gingival pockets and cysts etc. are removed, the bone level is adjusted to ensure durability and good aesthetics and then the implants are immediately inserted and prosthetically restored.

Example 6

The patient shown here arrived at our practice with a very poor oral and dental situation. We removed all teeth, tartar, root residues and infections and immediately restored both jaws with the Strategic Implant®. The patient was immediately able to perform normal and functional chewing movements and eat everything right from the beginning.

Example 7

This patient had a large number of teeth that were worth preserving, but it was no longer possible to create a bilaterally symmetrical chewing pattern on these teeth. There was no other solution than to remove all the teeth. They were replaced with a total of 21 Strategic Implant® and provided with fixed bridges (and the implants were thereby splinted) within three days.


If you commission us to completely repair your chewing system, if you are willing to live without your own teeth, and if you then take all the measures that are in your power (regular cleaning and checks), then you have it greatest chance of having permanently fixed teeth on the Strategic Implant®.


Patients who have reliably taken care of the cleaning and attended all mandatory check-ups in the first four years with full warranty and maintenance can be offered a warranty extension agreement that extends the warranty to cover the implants and the prosthetic workpieces. This warranty does not mean that we can guarantee the success of the treatment, it means however that we will undertake another free attempt for treatment if anything fails. Please contact us if you are interested.